
ideologic colloquial content

Archive for January, 2009

The choice

Choices as we know it forms the outcome of everyday living. In that sense our choices are essential to the routines in demand of pursuance. If the efficient choice is reflected in a matter of assertiveness and realistic process required for this cause, then that itself will be sufficient for its fulfillment.

Weekend by the numbers

1 cheap beer (2 SEK)

2 nachos plates with melted cheese

1 movie rocknrolla

2 shish kebab with bread

1 coke 2L

1 movie pride and glory (

0 clubbing nights

1 economic troubles

3 careful thoughts about my future

4 phone calls to hometown

0 new numbers from the opposite sex

1 fried fish

1 game of pool

1 group of finn crisps crackers with taste of cumin (my favorites)

1 fried fish

1 movie waltz with bashir (hebrew, animated)

Hopefully next weekend will be juicier !

The next morning

The morning begins with nature hitting the earth of the surface. Like the clouds reveal themeselves, I myself reveal myself as part of this nature. Trees standing strong on the soil, its roots it embraces. A longer day begins with more unpredictable incidents in scenarios brought to you by life itself as part of this world, which we may call, an illusion. This illusion is the reflection of our personal world, which actually makes it interesting to know, that this world is the one that matters. The sum of all the personal worlds equals to the real world.. can you do the math?

The untold

The source of everything is yet to be untold. For what does that mean when everything is obviously meant to destroy the essence of its belief.

The joint

There must be something in between in order to make things go smoother. Just like a meeting can be tense, smalltalk is needed to let it loose. A joint is just a joint, but its function is the movement of its hypothetical cause. The cause affects the way the joint moves, thus it functions like a buffer.

First post

This is my first post .. Everything seems to be working fine !